Small schools prom
Cypress joins other small schools like Delta, Costanoa, The Ark, Oasis, and AFE for a special evening of dancing, photos, and refreshments for a themed night of fun!
College Tours
College tours are held in the fall for students interested in postsecondary education. Priority is given to seniors and juniors who are in good standing for this very popular school event. The tour schedules visits to a selection of colleges usually in Northern California. Visits to universities and private colleges are chosen based on interest levels, so that the students can witness first hand differences in campuses.
Student showcase
Student showcases will happen three times a year. Parents, Guardians, Students, Teachers, and Prospective Families join together to celebrate the student work over food, beverages, and community. Students will be selling their own artwork and showing off their accomplishments this year!
themed Faires
On the right is a collage of photos from our Renaissance Faire from the Spring of 2023. We invited our neighbors from Del Mar Elementary. We had over 60 elementary students attend and engaged them in activities included but not limited to an egg spoon relay, pie eating contests, foam sword fights, foam axe throwing, tea with the royals, and tarot cards.
Spooky FAiR
On the left, there’s a picture of the fortune telling station from our 2023 Spooky Fair! Dell Mar Elementary students were invited to come join in on an afternoon of fun and frights, with activities like a haunted house, an obstacle course, pumpkin decorating, and so much more!
Cypress Podcast
The students of Cypress are putting their heads (and voices) together to create a sample of the school culture for all parents (and other interested parties) to take a listen at! Prepare for stories, info dumps, conspiracy theories and whimsical shenanigans the likes of which could only thrive in a school like this one! Here’s the link: Voices of Cypress
Coming Out Day, and Student Showcase nights
Field Trips
Beach clean up walks, yoga at the beach, Shakespeare Santa Cruz, the movies, museums, college tours
Student of the Month, Finals Week Treats, Valentines Day Grams, Coming Out Day
Team Building
One day each semester, the school engages in team building activities to build community