Get involved, make friends, start a movement, explore an interest or just try something new. The variety of clubs operating at any time on campus reflect the many passions of the school’s diverse community. Clubs often meet during lunch or after school. Teachers provide guidance and connections. Here is a sampling of activities led by students in collaboration with an advisor in recent years. Past clubs have included fashion club, student leadership, qigong club, and yearbook club. The options are endless if there is enthusiasm.
Ethics Bowl
Ethics Bowl is a team competition that promotes respectful, supportive, and in-depth discussion of real life ethical issues. Cypress won the 2020 Northern California Regional High School Ethics Bowl, and we were looking forward to winning the 2020 National High School Ethics Bowl until it was cancelled due to COVID-19. The Northern California Regional High Ethics Bowl competition that will take place at UCSC in January. During weekly meetings we discuss the specific ethical dilemmas that will be used in the competition, as well as general ethical theory and philosophy. You do not have to compete on the team to participate in the club.
Gender Sexuality Alliance
At Cypress we have an active and respected Gender and Sexuality Alliance, in which we celebrate our LGBTQ+ students and our Allies. We are committed to creating a safe space for all learners, and fostering community activism, emotional support networks, open communication, and pride in our identities. Meets Fridays at lunch!
Meets Tuesdays at lunch in the Art room!
Chess Club
Chess club is a weekly club with meetings on Wednesdays at lunch. No experience is required, but always appreciated! We work hard to foster fun and engaging meetings with informational resources and strategy support. Boards and snacks always provided.
Crafts Club
Meets Thursdays at lunch in the Art room!
Poetry Club
Meets Mondays at lunch in room 1. Bring your own poems to share, works from others that you’re excited about, or a poem that you’d like to work on. Our goal is to put out an annual Poetry Zine full of Cypress voices.
JSU: Jewish student Union
JSU offers a place to learn and connect with Jewish culture and heritage. Meetings include lessons, crafts, presentations, and more! Open to all, meets once a month after school.